Saturday, February 17, 2018

dean - instagram

Oke teman-teman, adalah rahasia umum bahwasanya gue suka dan lumayan invested di K-pop MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Tapi tenang, kali ini adalah K-indie. Sangat berkualitas. Beberapa dari you maybe pernah dengar soal doi. Cute ajsdjfjasfak. RnB. Gue baru tahu lagu dia yang satu ini, masterpiece berjudul Instagram, dan gue langsung follow doi di Spotify.

Namanya Dean.
Ada di Spotify.
Seriously you should give him a try.

Gue mau ngomongin soal Instagram, tapi dari sisi yang berbeda, karena kita semua pasti merasa sangat connected dengan liriknya seperti ini:

Nope, gue mau bahas yang ini:

G. I. L. D. A.
Gokil. And it's coming from me, ME, probably the most indifferent (about feelings) person you know lmaooooooooo. Yassalam.

Pamungkas banget itu ending. Asleee. Gak ada premonition sama sekali, ketika di 3 menit pertama gue merasa wow Dean ini bukan lagu cintak, but at the end ASDJFJKASKFASKFAJ. Gile. I have no words. Art. The best.

Gampang banget tiba-tiba doi nyanyi, "So gimana kabar lo? Lo cakep rambutnya pendek, tapi gue gak Like selfie lo, aneh aja gitu." -- setelah sebelumnya menyuarakan apa yang kita semua millenials atau apapun label diri lo, rasakan. Sinting. Amazing.

Sensasi-nya dapet. Gimana gue merasa ditampar dengan endingnya yang... puitis bat itu menurut gue. Beda. Ngagetin tapi gak bikin kesel gak bikin gue ngemeng capede ternyata lagu cinta juga NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GUE MALAH MERASA TERPUKUL. Dalem bro.

Anyway silakan dinikmati.



they're clogging up
     the drain they're
                            there in between
my fingers and
   they make me
wonder why.

(that's a lie;
i know why.)

and you will probably get it.

       i'm having none of it.

i still want the impossible,
which is never the answer

"i love the way you walk the tightrope between recounts and longing in you writings."
achmad luthfi (2018), a very good friend of mine, master of english himself, about me

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