Wednesday, December 31, 2014

berbicara tentang film (part 2)

lanjutan posting yang lalu YANG ILANG NGGAK TAU KEMANA hooohohoho.


sebenernya gua punya favorite soundtrack dari sebuah film yang ada di postingan berbicara tentang film ini. tapi setelah didengarkan ulang, soundtrack petikan gitar itu terasa terlalu personal gitu. terlalu precious buat disebar luaskan. that's only mine gitu bahahahahhahaha. so.


1. the sixth sense (USA)

kayaknya semua orang yang doyan nonton bakal milih the sixth sense sebagai film dengan twist ending paling tete dalam sejarah.

termasuk ane.


gue suka m. night shyamalan karena gue mikir gue cocok dengan gaya paman itu mengolah cerita. bukan masalah besar kalo gue ngaku the sixth sense adalah salah satu inspirasi dalam berkarya diri ini caelah.

karena film ini spoiler alert to the max, buat lo yang belom pernah nonton, tolong, plis, please jebal nonton. lalu merinding sendiri dan tepuk tangan.

2. unbreakable (USA)

masih bruce willis. masih m. night shyamalan. masih salah satu film yang sangat inspiratif bagi diri ini untuk berkarya.

sebenernya premis unbreakable itu super sederhana sekali; good vs evil dan/atau hero vs villain. hanya saja diangkat dari sudut pandang yang nggak lazim, begitu. slow build emang, jadi kudu sabar waktu nonton. tapi ending-nya worth it banget. karakter bruce willis juga bikin simpati gitu, apalagi karakternye morgan freeman byE.

scene paling memorable jelas ketika bruce willis minta tolong anaknya nambahin berat buat mengetes seberapa kuat dirinya ketika angkat beban di basement rumah. lalu scene si anak menodongkan pistol ke bruce willis untuk, lagi-lagi, 'mengetes' apakah si bapak bisa mati atau enggak. lalu jelas endingnya. scene ketika morgan freeman ngaku kalo dia...............................................


1. radio (USA)
intinya tiap lima belas menit sekali bamby sesenggukkan nggak macho gitu tiap nonton film ini (dua kali, di tipi, diketawain mami deh waktu ketauan).

setdah liat posternya aja bamby nggak sanggup.

so. radio. ceritanya tentang seorang coach american football SMA yang berteman dengan  seorang black man keterbelakangan mental ah kaga sanggup nih lagi liat IMDB bahahhahahah eyes blurred as fuck gini byeeeeeeeee.

2. we are marshall (USA)

jadi sesungguhnya, sebelom bamby tergila-gila dengan eyeshield 21 manga japan, bamby sudah cinta pada american football.

sama kayak radio, we are marshall diangkat dari kisah nyata, film sport, tentang american football pula bahhahahahahaha.

ceritanya tentang satu tim american football tahun 1970 yang tewas dalam plane crash berikut pelatih dan staff. nggak ada yang selamat di pesawat tersebut, NAMUN ada seenggaknya 5 atlet american football yang nggak ikut di dalem pesawat karena cedera dan jeng jeng jeng... ketiduran.

lalu marshall university pun nggak punya tim american football. maka dimulai lah pencarian, perekrutan, jatuh bangunnya tim yang notabene dibentuk dari 'abu' seperti tagline film. ntap. persahabatan. perjuangan. hope among despair. sinematografi. foto-foto asli dari para atlet yang bersangkutan yang bikin... yah... cewdy kakak bahahhahaha.

>> The Movie that You Love But Everyone Seems to Hate >>

transformers 4 yang ada dinobot itu, tbh. dengan catatan, gue cuman suka sinematografinya yang bikin merinding. plot, karakter, apalagi aktris yang memerankan anaknya mark wahlberg? N O P E. cuma sinematografi adegan si anak cewek itu diculik pesawat decepticon di tengah-tengah ladang jagung nan hijau dengan langit biru luas, aspal abu-abu mulus, dan kedetilan pesawat roboalien yang tampak sangat nyata. demi tete segala tete. merinding dan terpukau ane nontonnya.

>>> The Movie that You Hate But Everyone Seems to Love >>>

wah banyak bener ini.

frozen. didn't feel the 'magic'. annoying soundtrack.

interstellar. tidak memukau.

star wars lah star trek stargate ape itu.

monsters university bahahahhaha.

twilight ew.


kalo lo penggemar film-film sport dan perang seperti diri ini. well, dapat dipastikan semua film sport dan perang macam black hawk down, saving private ryan, band of brothers itu semua bikin mewek nggak keruan bahhahahahahah.


1. brokeback mountain (USA)
film ini mengubah hidupku. titik.

2.  a brand new life (south korea)

parah. akting aktris cilik ceweknya parah banget. sinematografinya. overall dark, melancholic tone dari film ini yang gue dapatkan mulai dari awal sampai akhir. scene dedek ini mengubur dirinya sendiri dengan wajah lempeng tanpa ekspresi. her intense feeling when she was 'betrayed' by her bff in that orphanage. good lord. everything.

gue nonton film ini nggak sengaja di tipi kabel.

nggak menyesal sama sekali saking luar biasanya.

slow build. mendung. dingin. frustasi. dalem.

akting dedek ini sih yang beneran bikin ane standing ovation dan googling namanya siapa bahahahhaha. amazing. kudu ditonton kalo lagi nggak ada kerjaan.



semoga bermanfaat buat ente-ente yang demen nonton. bikin juga lah entri kayak gini biar ane dan banyak orang bisa baca, sekalian rekomen film juga.

any thoughts, mungkin rebuke atau agreement langsung aja komen. gue denger-denger memvokalisasikan apa yang ada di pikiran lo harus jadi trend di tahun 2015 bahahahahha. mari diskusi lebih banyak lagi.

sampai jumpa tahun depan!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

cerita zombi 4

>>> yo pakabar?

ezra akhirnya berpetualang. kurang lebih. bahahahhaha.
di chapter 4 ini gue harap lo bisa agak nyengir-nyengir jijay karena ezra bertingkah kocak. kurang lebih.

lol oke selamat baca!

p.s. kalo ada kalimat usang aneh ih bam salah grammar lu, tolong kasitau yak. >>>

“Play what?”

Nakula looks at Ezra like Ezra is The Cutest Boy Ever Graces This Earth. His mom used to give him that look. Even worse, his dad still thought he’s The Greatest Son Ever after he started seeing the psychiatrist. What is wrong with people?

“It’s just a game I came up with this afternoon,” Nakula throws an arm around Ezra’s shoulders like they’re the best of friends. When Ezra shrugs it off gently to take a step back, he smiles. “You know, just go out there to look around.”

“Out?” Ezra frowns, barely aware of the giggling around him. “With all the zombies? Why?”

“That’s why it’s called ‘a game’,” Nakula is still smiling, “because it’s fun.”

Yeah, right.

“Then why don’t you play too?” Ezra asks, giving Nakula the stingy eye his senior upperclassmen had hated so, so much. “If it’s so fun to you?” but he keeps his voice indifferent because that just pissed them off so, so much back then.

Nakula’s eyebrows are raised while there’s a collective, disbelieved gasp coming from his toy soldiers.

Ezra mimics what Nakula just did.

“Ezra, here’s the thing you need to understand,” Nakula seems to have a hobby to throw his arm around someone’s shoulders, because he does it again to Ezra, who doesn’t bother to shrug it off this time. “You don’t get to question me. You do what I say, because that’s how it is.”


How boring.

“Okay then.” Ezra feels himself smiling as Nakula squeezes him closer. He doesn’t miss the puzzled look coming from the so-called leader and his blind followers when he said it. “What are the rules?” he redirects his handsome smile (his mom’s words, not his) toward the rest of the group like either he’s too thick to get the ‘joke’ or he’s insane to agree to the whole messed up situation involving one charming maniac.

Nakula doesn’t take too long to recover and deliver the basic rules.

You just need to go to a minimart located three blocks from here, take anything you like, and come back as soon as possible. Nakula provides stolen machetes from the warehouse as weapons. There’s no winner or loser in this game, because it’s just for fun. You will come back braver and stronger after you go out there. Sure, Ezra keeps his thought for himself, says the guy who isn’t even going out there.

“Do you have any questions, Ezra?” Even though Nakula’s smile doesn’t have any significance to our protagonist, still Ezra has to admit that that smile is going to be strongest contender to his very own handsome smile.

All the more reason to ‘play’, yeah?

“Me? Nothing. Let’s do this.” And because Ezra can be hilarious just like any other seventeen year olds, he adds, “Been craving Oreo and Ultra Milk, to be honest.”

Ezra swears Nakula is this clo~se to hug him after he cracked the joke, but he manages to dodge out of Nakula’s overly friendly nature by siding up next to Pipit, bumping their arms, and she giggles as Ezra clears his throat in lieu of an apology.

“You’re nuts,” she has to tiptoe to whisper to the side of Ezra’s neck, sending warm, minty breath to the cold skin. “But in a good way.”




Getting out means climbing the rambutan tree to reach over the ten feet tall, black wall. There’s an electricity pole right across the wall, so they can slide down like firemen to go out there. How are they going to come back? Good question. You have to climb up the electricity pole or get in from the front gate, feigning innocence and desperation.

Of course Ezra is going to come back using the second method.

They have to move fast while the watchmen are still enjoying their goddamned fried rice dinner. Ezra swears he’s going to take a hundred of instant fried rice seasoning from the minimart and then he will make his own fried rice that he will eat for a week.

Pipit climbs first, followed by the kid who wished Ezra die earlier that day, Tyo, and then David, a quiet, Betawi-Chinese boy, Ambar, a hijab-wearing, trekking kind of girl with her thick checkered flannel and Northface sandal, and finally it’s Ezra’s turn to climb the rambutan tree but not before a creepy good luck from Nakula, who wishes him to come back safely because they have so much to talk about.

What a turn off, Ezra thinks as he reaches the wall. He would have preferred to run away and never come back, if only he has his backpack with him and he isn’t really that hooked to eating fried rice. He can’t cook fried rice out there, not without a proper kitchen utensil et cetera. Hell, Ezra can’t even cook rice!

He’s still pressed about his interrupted dinner as he slides down the electricity pole and lands in one piece next to Pipit.

“Ready?” Apparently, Pipit is the appointed leader for this fun game. “Stay close together and try not to make loud noises. Remember to aim for the brain! I know where the minimart is, so follow me. Is that clear?”

Everyone nods silently.

“Okay, let’s go.”

Source of lighting is scarce, despite the fact that the government’s shelter is located in the posh area of South Jakarta. They can see the road alright, but still it’s way darker than the normal days before this shit went down. The street lamps are rationed, so it’s 1:5 every a couple of meters. They stay low, hiding beneath the shadow or else the watchmen will be interrupted from their nice fried rice dinner by thinking that they’re a hoard of zombies going further, not closer, from them.

Whenever the chilly wind blows, the foul stench of those walking dead is transmitted in the air. Ezra is glad for his handkerchief, although running with his nose blocked is quite uncomfortable as he notices his teammates begin to struggle with the seemingly foreign act of putting one leg after another in a (rather) fast pace after lying around like pregnant whales and gossiping and being teenager-y for more than a month. They haven’t even reached the first block yet.

For a good measure, Ezra tightens his grip on the machete’s sturdy handle.

Now there’s an out of sync raggedy pant-pant!-pant! from his teammates—what a weird way to address these strangers—and Ezra thinks he just sees a moving silhouette from his peripheral vision as they take a left turn to the second block.

“Oh god, please,” Tyo whines abruptly, “please, Kak Pipit, can we rest for a minute?”

Pipit’s answer is a short no. Ezra almost smiles.

“Please?” Tyo stops running then. He folds his knees to heave. Ambar is kind enough to pat his back to coax him to keep going. It’s too risky stopping out in the open like this. The abandoned photo studio is dark like the rest of this block, and Ezra swears he hears something.

He nudges David and whispers, “How about we get ready?”

“For what? Did you, did you see anything?!” David, for a quiet dude, sure expresses his panic loudly.

Tyo gasps at that. Ambar crouches down so fast Ezra wonders whether she pulls a muscle or not. Pipit orders them to stand back to back, creating a circle, with Tyo in the center, probably crying for real now.

Ezra doesn’t want to be the party popper, so he obeys the order and prays that he was hallucinating.

But a famous proverb once said ‘the third time is a charm’.

T . B . C

Thursday, December 4, 2014


the strain ( yang jauh lebih seru lebih berdarah-darah dan lebih ngilu nggak menimbulkan dampak kengerian signifikan sama sekali.

teror the shining-nya embah king masih nomor satu.


nggak ada mimpi-mimpi aneh. nggak ada sekelebatan bayangan lewat di ujung mata. nggak ada benda bergerak. nope. nada. nothing. merci. lol.


tetep kudu nyari sekuelnya.

wow desember.

ayo ke blok m square satronin toko buku bekas!!!!11!

refleksi 2024

tahun lalu gue ngerasain apa yang dinamakan pure joy. pure. murni. kebahagiaan murni. i used to cringe at "bahagia itu sederhana" ...